Great Quotes for Coaches Podcast
The Great Quotes for Coaches Podcast is for coaches, teachers, and leaders of all types of teams looking to use quotes to make their leadership inspirational, motivational, and impactful. Each short episode discusses quotes that they can use with their teams, classes, or organizations to create cultures of character and excellence.
Podcasting since 2020 • 236 episodes
Great Quotes for Coaches Podcast
Latest Episodes
Water Your Lawn
In this episode, I focus on two quotes that play off of a third very famous quote that you have all heard. (You have probably already guessed what that quote is!) They are really good quotes for us to consider as we are trying to grow into the ...
Season 9
Episode 236
Stephen Covey - A Humble Person
Great quote today from Stephen Covey, the author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This one is about a quality that is so important for members of teams to possess - humility. Those of you leading any kind of team...
Season 9
Episode 235
Edgar A. Guest - Live Your Sermon
You get to hear a poem today! Don't go running away if you're not a fan of poetry. I guarantee you that you're going to love the message in this one, especially if you are a coach, teacher, parent, or leader of young people (or anyone, for that...
Season 9
Episode 234
Max De Pree on Leadership
Sorry for not releasing an episode last week! No excuses, except that life as a new Activities Director at a high school got in the way. But I'm back this week with an outstanding quote from one of the founders of the concept of Servant Leaders...
Season 9
Episode 233
What Stands in the Way Becomes the Way
You might recognize the title of this episode as a quote by Marcus Aurelius, and you would be right in doing so. However, in today's episode, I am actually talking about 10 points and a few quotes from the Introduction to Brene Brown's book,
Season 9
Episode 232