Great Quotes for Coaches Podcast
Great Quotes for Coaches Podcast
Replay of Episode 31 - Alan Stein Jr. Interview
As I told you last week, over the next few weeks I am bringing you replays of popular episodes. I have some personal and professional matters that are taking up a lot of my time, and I am headed to Mexico on spring break this week, so I thought I would just let you listen to some of the more popular episodes of the show over these next few weeks.
Today you will hear one of my absolute favorite episodes. It was episode 31, which was my interview with Alan Stein, Jr. If you don't know who Alan Stein, Jr. is, look him up on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, or check out his website - alansteinjr.com.
One of the cool things about Alan's quote is that it was Alan's quote! That's right - the quote that we talked about is his own quote, one that has been very popular with many coaches and teams across the nation. (Check out where the quote is emblazoned on a wall for everyone to see when they visit this place.)
Next week, I'll have another replay of a favorite episode. Until then, enjoy my interview from a few years ago with Alan Stein, Jr!
For more information to help you on your road to becoming your best, check us out at SlamDunkSuccess.com or email me at scott@slamdunksuccess.com.
As always, our background music is "Dance in the Sun" by Krisztian Vass.