Great Quotes for Coaches Podcast
Great Quotes for Coaches Podcast
Core Covenants 4 - Respect
Today we wrap up our episodes on the Core Covenants that my varsity boys' basketball team has come up with for us to live by this year. Our first three covenants that I talked about are "Discipline," "Trust," and "Team-First Attitude."
Our final covenant is "Respect." I'm so glad my boys chose this as a covenant for a few reasons. One of the reasons I'm so glad is a selfish one—I have never really worked on the theme of Respect with my teams before, nor have I ever written or spoken on it, so it's nice to get a chance to do that.
I hope you enjoy listening to this episode about Respect as much as I enjoyed researching, writing, and then speaking about it.
For more information to help you on your road to becoming your best, check us out at SlamDunkSuccess.com or email me at scott@slamdunksuccess.com.
As always, our background music is "Dance in the Sun" by Krisztian Vass.