Great Quotes for Coaches Podcast
Great Quotes for Coaches Podcast
Core Covenants 3 - Team-First Attitude
Today we continue talking about the Core Covenants that my varsity boys' basketball team has come up with for us to live by this year. Our first covenant that I talked about three weeks ago was "Discipline," and our second covenant that I talked about last week was "Trust." This week we move to one of my all-time favorites - "Team-First Attitude."
As a team-sport coach—basketball, soccer, football—for the last 40 years, I have preached the value of a team-first attitude to thousands of kids. It is what I love most about coaching—working to build great teams. Well, you can't have great teams without players who are committed to having a team-first attitude.
Today you will hear some ideas on a team-first attitude, and then you will hear 8 outstanding quotes about it.
For more information to help you on your road to becoming your best, check us out at SlamDunkSuccess.com or email me at scott@slamdunksuccess.com.
As always, our background music is "Dance in the Sun" by Krisztian Vass.