Great Quotes for Coaches Podcast


Scott Rosberg Season 7 Episode 196

I have told you for a while now that I will be talking about quotes dealing with the Core Covenants that my varsity boys' basketball team has chosen for this season. In last week's episode, I started by explaining the whole concept of what we are trying to do with the establishment of Core Covenants and why we do it. My focus was on how we need to Intentionally Create our Culture.

This week we start to talk about a key to how we intentionally create our culture—by establishing and living by our Core Covenants. I talk about the concept in today's episode and then I talk about five quotes that help support the concept.

For more information on Core Covenants and establishing them with your team, I highly recommend you check out Bruce Brown's booklet called, "First Steps to Creating a Successful Team—Core Covenants" at the Proactive Coaching website. You can also find a video of the concept there, or you can schedule a speaker to come to your organization to do a presentation on it.

For more information to help you on your road to becoming your best, check us out at or email me at

As always, our background music is "Dance in the Sun" by Krisztian Vass.